Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm saying this right now, and I don't give a damn who this might offend: I give up, right now, on Israel. I can no longer support such an appalling, apartheid-riven, inhumane, and now inhuman state. I now give less than a shit about the residents, the people, and the government of Israel. I no longer care if they are driven into the sea or into the desert, or into the mouth of hell itself. For a people with the history that they have, all 5774 tumultuous, blood-soaked, and agony-filled year of it, to be so unsympathetic, unyielding, and uncaring about the fate of another band people who shared their land and their culture, another band of people who lost their lands and their homes at the whim of a completely different culture with no say-so or input on the matter at all, is shameful, sinful, sociopathic, psychotic, and just plain evil.

Guilt led to the recreation of the Jewish state.

Guilt over what the Third Reich accomplished in their so-called "Final Solution". Guilt that the rest of the world ignored the signs. Guilt that the world allowed it to happen.

But that guilt (no matter the religious jokes and tropes about Jews and guilt) has a shelf-life. I'm way past it. If any other government in the world did the the same things to a rigidly separated, confined, and persecuted second-class we would be condemning their actions in open session of the United Nations, calling for economic sanctions, or bombing the crap out of the country in question.

But no. This is Israel. Our one and only true political "ally" in the region. And why should this be so? Well, because we backed them in the first place, we've already bombed or invaded most of their neighboring countries for one reason or another, and nearly the entire world is run off of giant steam engines powered by million year-old liquified swamps buried under the oceans of sand that currently cover the region. The result of this is that we are slowly boiling away the planet upon which we live, poisoning our air, our water, our land, causing massive global temperature increase, and threatening the future of the human race.

No, I'm not saying Israel is the cause of global warming; don't be asinine.

But if we were trying half as hard, and putting half as much effort and energy and national treasure into research and development.....wait, fuck research and development! The technologies we need are available right now! Implementing the build-up of solar and wind power alone we can power our civilization as it stands right now, and with no further poisoning and alteration of the environment. Someone just did the math, and figured that if we covered a good 300 kilometers square in the Sahara desert with the best solar panels currently on the market, we could provide enough power for the entire planet!

But no. Instead we support hate-filled governments because it is politically and economically expedient to do so. So we have Palestinian freedom fighters being called terrorists, and Israeli terrorists being called commandos. And American money being handed over by hands covered in blood owned by those who never fired a shot, but who stand just as guilty as those who do. Because we say it's okay.

Tell ya what; if nobody in the world was using all those liquid dinosaurs buried in the desert, nobody would give a flying rat's ass about Israel. Or Iraq. or Iran, or Saudi Arabia. Because none of those places would possess the national treasure required to buy the armaments that they currently use to oppress their own peoples, to kill the people and citizens of their neighboring nations, or even to attack the United States or other countries of the west. And we would leave them alone. And they would leave us alone. And everybody would be happier for it.

This is logical.

And of course that's why it won't ever happen, not while somebody can make a buck or two somewhere.

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